Friday, January 4, 2008

Featuring Etsy Seller Diana's Darnings and Her Baby Item's

This weeks featured seller is Diana's Darnings. She is a mommy to an adventurous 10 mo old little boy who inspires her. She started making baby items after she had him. She says, "Quality baby items that will stand up to baby wear are sometimes hard to find." Her darnings will be those unique items, that will stand up to baby wear, you are looking for. In her shop you'll find blankies, bibs, burp cloths, hats, mittens, slippers and more.

Be the first to make a purchase at Diana's Etsy shop, mentioning 'Homespun Mama Blog' in your message to seller and you'll receive a free burp cloth set!

Find Diana's Darnings at:
You can also find her items on


Livy said...

Very pretty blog! It's so refreshing to see blogs that go above and beyond the standard blogger templates. Love the background print and colors!

pepperhem said...

Youre blog looks beautiful! i linked to your blog from reading your etsy post. check it out!